Heart attack..


Also called Myocardial  Infarction . Basically it is blockage of blood flow to the heart.  Usually a network of blood vessels known as coronary arteries surround the heart muscle and supply it  with blood rich in oxygen and nutrients  , a heart attack occurs when a coronary artery becomes suddenly blocked , stopping the blood flow to the heart .

           Image result for heart attack

                                        Types of heart attack ...

1. STEMI -   ST Segment Elevation Myocardial Infraction . It is a form of heart attack in which a coronary artery is completely blocked and heart is unable to receive enough blood .

2. NSTEMI -  Non ST Segment Elevation Myocardial Infraction . It is a form of heart attack in which heart attack is caused by partial blockage of a major coronary artery or a minor artery.

3. Coronary Spasm -   It is a temporary condition in which muscles in the wall of arteries that sends blood to heart gets narrower or shrinks .

                 Symptoms of Heart attack  :- 

1.  Nausea .

2.  Shortness  of breath.

3. Anxiety.

4. Pain in chest ,neck . 

5. Abnormal heartbeat.

6. heartburn .

7. pressure in chest .

Image result for heart attack

                     Precautions and Prevention :- 

1. Eating many fruits may help to reduce chances of heart attack.

2. Eating fish may also help to reduce.

3.Stop smoking, alcohol etc.

4. Reduce tension and stress.

5. limit sugar intake.

6. Increase content of dry fruits in diet. 

7. Have a check on blood pressure .

8. Have a active life style .
