Asperger's Syndrome

A developmental disorder affecting ability to effectively socialise and communicate.
Today, Asperger's syndrome is technically no longer a diagnosis on its own. It is now part of a broader category called autism spectrum disorder (ASD). This group of related mental health issues shares some symptoms. Even so, lots of people still use the term Asperger's. 
 # It generally involves:
  • Difficulty with social interactions
  • Restricted interests
  • Desire for sameness
  • Distinctive strengths
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•  You may notice that he can't make eye contact. You may also find that            your  child seems awkward in social situations and doesn't know what to        say or how to respond when someone talks to him.
•  He may miss social cues that are obvious to other folks, like body language     or the expressions on people's faces.
•  Another sign is that your child may show few emotions. He may                     not smile when he's happy or laugh at a joke. Or he may speak in a flat,         robotic kind of way.
•  He might repeat himself a lot, especially on a topic that he's interested in. 
•  He might also do the same movements over and over.
•  He also may dislike change. For instance, he may eat the same food               for breakfast every day or have trouble moving from one class to another       during the school day
•  Activities usually involve collecting, numbering, or listing.
•  There may be a lack of rhythm or intonation. Speech can sound flat,                       monotonous, unusually slow or fast, or the volume may be inappropriate.

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Every child is different, so there isn't a one-size-fits-all approach. Your doctor might need to try a few therapies to find one that works.
Treatments can include:
Social skills training. In groups or one-on-one sessions, therapists teach your child how to interact with others and express themselves in more appropriate ways. Social skills are often best learned by modeling after typical behavior.
Speech-language therapy. This helps improve your kid's communication skills. For example, he'll learn how to use a normal up-and-down pattern when he speaks rather than a flat tone. He'll also get lessons on how to keep up a two-way conversation and understand social cues like hand gestures and eye contact.
Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). It helps your child change his way of thinking, so he can better control his emotions and repetitive behaviors. He'll be able to get a handle on things like outbursts, meltdowns, and obsessions.
Parent education and training. You'll learn many of the same techniques your child is taught so you can work on social skills with him at home. Some families also see a counselor to help them deal with the challenges of living with someone with Asperger's.
Occupational or physical therapy: This can help those with sensory integration problems or poor motor coordination.
Medication: There are no medications for AS, but drugs may be used to treat symptoms such as anxiety.
Alternative medicine: Some studies suggest that special diets, such as gluten-free diets and vitamin supplements, can be beneficial. Anecdotal evidence suggests that a regular intake of fish oils may help with anxiety and some cognitive issues.

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